Monday, May 10, 2010

Why have a vet check when buying a horse?

Vet checking horses is an interesting topic. Sometimes I wonder why a person has bothered with the vet check when they do not take the advice, or consider the findings, of the vet! In this day and age there is no such thing as a 'pass'. It is all about 'at this time I believe your horse will be suitable for ......'. Vets are put in difficult situations when the seller and prospective buyer, who has 'fallen in love with the horse', are feeding on the vet's every expression and word. The seller may hear loud and clear but the buyer fails to listen to, or interpret, what the vet is saying!

I am often asked if I think it is 'worth' having a vet check. As I am not a vet my answer is always 'yes'. I have a fair idea of a horse's visual soundness and suitability but I have no idea about its vision or heart soundness. If I am not sure about something, and particularly with older horses that have genuine wear and tear, I need the vet's expertise and opinion. It is then up to the buyer to make the final decision.

It is rather like an exceptional footballer whose new club pays a huge sum for the player only to find that at the first game the player becomes seriously injured through no fault of his own. So it is with horses. We cannot guarantee continued soundness. If the horse has a positive vet check at least it can be insured!

At this time I have two pupils whose prospective new mounts are about to be vet checked. I sincerely hope the vet does not find 'hidden' problems, but if he does then the vet check was certainly  'worth' it.

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