Then you have to be able to keep your 'nerve' and your concentration.
You cannot say that a rider at Badminton is any more nervous than a rider at a local competition. Everything is relative to that rider. Part of keeping your 'nerve' is believing in yourself. Total concentration allows a rider to totally focus on the task of riding the 'course'. If you are using 60% of your thinking on other thoughts and emotions you only have 40% of your brain to compete with. This is clearly not enough!
Riders need to make a plan in minute detail and then be able to follow that plan. Then only a small percentage of the brain power is used up following the plan and this leaves brain to spare to 'perform'. Top performance is all about calculated risk. As horses have individual personalities it is not possible to totally predict their behaviours and reactions. Following a plan gives the rider time to assess the performance and make changes.
Prepare to succeed - and hold your nerve!
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