Monday, November 15, 2010

Between stormy weather in Jindivick and Launching Place

I always know I am home when I pass these wombat signs.

Driving through Gembrook.

Wilbur - living art.

Lady Louise, of Camberwell and Jindivick, seems to be collecting peacocks and geese. There is only one female goose who produced 4 eggs. One egg was turfed out of the nest so it is presumed it was faulty. The three offspring are shepherded by the mother, father and uncles. There will be no court cases regarding paternity, as geese do not understand the significnce of DNA testing. Just a large and happy family.

Charlotte Sweeney was preparing for my presentations at Equitana. We put the Longden Grip on her saddle so that she could become used to it. We did not anticipate needing to use it until a pony joined us in the arena. Her young horse Cumquat was not at all sure about this intrusion. Charlotte was quite unperturbed as she knew she could grab the grip if necessary.

Nicola's horse Charlotte, who stars in the DVDs "Riding Towards Excellence' is introduced to the new arrival.

They are closely watched by three yearlings.

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