Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Animals in Japan

Tinky supervising the training of the therapy miniature ponies.

Chris, the imported kelpie, never stops running around the arena which is a bit of a problem On the other hand she is a wonderful therapy dog as she never tires of playing ball with the clients.

This was a stray dog that turned up at the stables. Happy but still shy.

Chiro is a most reliable therapy horse who has been in the program at Hello Hippo for five years. He does therapy sessions, vaulting and independent riding. It makes it so easy when the horses are well trained and willing to work. Here occupational therapists are having a feel of the three dimensional movement of the horse which is similar to a person walking.

John, who is a successful dressage horse, was interesting to train for the competition. He had no previous experience in this field. On the first day he found the noise and movement too much to comprehend and he kept looking away from the action. In time he became interested in the proceedings and on the second, and final day of training, he was quite confident. His behaviour at the competition was perfect. It does not take long to train horses to a new environment provided you only progress at the horse's rate of learning. He was very popular for photographs.

This fox-like dog is typical of the local Japanese dogs. Others are chunkier and have fluffy tails.

This paraplegic dog is perfectly happpy. I met him near Osaka last year.

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