Sunday, May 9, 2010

Gardens are histories

It must be horrible and sad for people to have to leave their loved gardens, and particularly if they know they are to be destroyed after they leave. I am a little wistful about leaving mine despite the fact that it is totally my own choice.

I am delighted that the new owners of my property want to know the names of the plants and trees. They will make changes and make it their own but most of the existing plants and trees will continue to give pleasure.

Of course it is much more than the name of a plant. Over the years I have been given and acquired lots of roses and other plants and to me my garden is my personal and private 'history'. As I look around it I remember the people and animals who have been my 'life blood'.

There is one magnificent thorny rose bush whose story has always been a mystery. It was left by my car at Wandin Horse trials years ago with no note. I would love to know who left it for me! It has given me great pleasure and lots of scratches when mowing around it.

My ornamental birds, also gifts, are ready to move to Jindivick. They will be the only additions to the stunning garden I am moving to. I do remember when I moved to Bunyip finding the different plants that 'popped' up in the various seasons. I am excited about this happening again.

Packing and sorting 'stuff' is another matter. People are so quick with advice - 'if you have not worn it for 12 months you never will again so get rid of it'. Its so exciting finding things I had forgotten I owned. Of course they are not going to be given or thrown away! Now I remember I own them I just might wear them. 'De-clutter' - I have just looked it up in the dictionary and its not there!

There is a lot of stuff that has already been taken to the Posh Op Shop in Garfield - and there is more to come. No books though - I do not seem to be able to part with many of these.

I have found the answer! Tomorrow I have rented a storage unit in Warragul. Everything that I want to keep but does not have a 'home' at the new property, will go into store. I consider this is half way to getting rid of it!

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