Leaving home and freshly mown lawns is always hard but the Western districts of Victoria were particularly beautiful. My friends who live near Cavendish have a large garden at their 'Wakefield Park' farm. It is open to the public so has to be kept 'up to the mark' all the time. There is always some new project under way. They have standards to which I can only aspire!
A lovely feature of the garden is the grandchildrens' trees. Each one has a different variety and they
are all very interested in watching them grow and develop into lovely specimens.
The very old eucalypts add a backdrop to the garden.
Walking around their garden at dusk after a long drive was both envirogating and inspiring. People only learn what is relevnt at the time and is of interest to them. I absolutely wanted to know the names and growing behaviours of endless roses and shrubs. Good teachers do not thwart learning. A glass of wine probably gave her patience. How lovely to drive away early the following morning enthused and relaxed.
I had seriously considered flying to Mt. Gambier, as particularly the drive home after teaching is a long haul. As I dislike flying avoiding two flights was a good option and catching up with old friends should never be postponed.
The filtered light reminded me of the stream garden at the Getty Centre in L.A.
This 'feature' was created ten years ago to celebrate 30 year of marriage.
Simple yet charming.
The Glenelg highway from Ballarat to South Australia via Hamilton is full of interest and stunning views. Gradually the Grampians come into view after an hour and a half's drive from Ballarat.
Casterton and Coleraine both nestle in valleys. It was nice to see the dams full of water without serious flooding and the ground had tinges of green. Normally, at this time of year, the grass has burnt off to a brown colour under the unrelenting sun.
From stud sheep farmers in Cavendish to Mt. Gambier where friends have a developing flock of Dorpers (disapproved of by many sheep farmers). These are sheep that originated in South Africa and were first brought to Australia in 1996. They shed their wool so do not have to be sheared or treated for fly strike. They originated from Dorset Horn rams bred over Backheaded Persian ewes. The white Dorpers were out of white Van Roy sheep.
Each to his own!